Dubey eye clinic is a multispecialty eye clinic in Prayagraj (Allahabad) that offers comprehensive eye care solutions as well as gynaecology maternity and special care in infertility case catering to the general public.
Obsteteric & Gynaecology Consultant is Dr. MONA DUBEY (M.B.B.S., D.G.O., M.R.C. - O.G.I.), who has completed her M.B.B.S. from Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Medical College, Kanpur in 2001 and post-graduation in gynaecology and obstetrics from Government Medical College, Surat (Gujrat) 2005.
She was lecturer in SSIMSRH Davangere Karnataka. She worked as senior resident at KAMLA NEHRU memorial hospital Allahabad for 6 months. Thereafter she has done advanced infertility training at Nadkarni test tube baby centre Valsad and 21st century hospital at Surat. she has done advanced course in laparoscopy and hysteroscopy at Vardhman trauma and laparoscopy centre at Muzaffarnagar. She has attended lap hysterectomy course by Dr Rajesh Modi and advanced hysteroscopy courses by Dr Osama Sawki. She has worked in U.P.P.M.H.S services for 10 yrs. She is an active member of AOGS, UPCOG, FOGSI, AMA.
Her approach is authenticated patient-oriented and she believes in ethical practices She is a specialist in high risk pregnancy, recurrent abortion, and infertility. She is pioneer in various-surgeries like hysteroscopic tubal cannulation and septoplasty, fibroid and polyp removal, broadening of narrow uterine cavity adhesion removal, diagnosis of uterine tuberculosis. Diagnosis and management of endometriosis, which has benefited many infertile couples to conceive naturally. She is doing diagnostic and operative laparoscopic procedures like myomectomy, hysterectomy, ectopic pregnancy removal, P.C.O. drilling, cannulation cyst removal, she has done both open and laparoscopic new vagina formation in those girls who was born without it. Her recent area of interest is GYNECOLGICAL COSMETOLOGY; presently she is doing LABIOPLASTY, HYMEN RECONSTRUCTION, CYSTOCELE & RECTOCELE REPAIR, SURGICAL CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT OF UTERINE prolapse without removing uterus. She is doing semen analysis by modern cryo cell chamber for male patner of infertile couple. Semen preparation for IUI is done at her centre by density gradient method in modern laminar flow which decrease the risk of contamination and increases success rate of IUI. She is a visiting consultant at Panchsheel Nursing and diagnostic centre. She regularly organise cervical cancer screening camps and cervical cancer preventing vaccines are available at her centre. She has presented clinical papers in various conferences and attended various conferences and comes throughout these years to improve her clinical practice and enhance her surgical skills.
Ex. Consultant SSIMSR DAVANGERE | Ex. Sr. Resident at Kamla Nehru Memorial Hospital Allahabad | Ex. Medical Officer at Duffrin Hospital Allahabad | Trained in Advance Courses of Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy (Muzaffar Nagar) Infertility (Gujrat)
Dr. Mona Dubey —
Monday to Saturday : 7:00 PM to 8 PM
Via Appointment : 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Mon, Tue, Wed & Friday : 12:00 PM to 3 PM Anamay Clinic, Jasra Allahabad. 8318997937
Tue, Thu & Saturday : 10:30 AM to 11:30 PM Pancheel Nursing & Diagnosis Center, Taigore Town, Allahabad. 9807889752
Complete care and treatment of pregnant females and delivered mothers.
Vaccination by latest TDaP injection.
Facility for normal & caesarean section. (minimally visible horizontal scar)
Successful pregnancy and increased carry home baby rate in patients with multiple abortion.
Prevention and management of premature labour pains by medicines and by application of applying cervical stich in patients with weak uterus.
Cancer Cervix —
Prevention with vaccine
Screening after marriage till 45 years.
Early management with cryotherapy & thermal cautery.
Pcod Management —
Adolescent / Prepubescent Clinics —
Pathological vaginal discharge, heavy, painful, irregular periods, not attained periods even after 16 yrs of age.
Premenpause Clinic —
Mood swings, abnormal discharge,bleeding,urinary problems
Family Planning Clinic —
Facilities for multiload insertion, DMPA injection tubal ligation by mini scar or key hole surgery.
Breast Care Program —
Consultation & treatment of single or multiple lump in breast, abnormal nipple discharge.
Gynaecology Laparoscopy in Various Disease Namely —
Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy in infertility.
Ovarian cyst.
Twisted ovarian cyst
Ectopic. (Pregnancy outside uterus)
Myomectomy. (Removal of tumour from uterus)
Recanalization. (Opening of tubes after family planning operation)
Removal of blocks in tube. (Tubal cannulation)
Female Infertility —
Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy in infertility.
Removal of adhesion (Adhesiolysis).
Fulgaration of mild to moderate endometriosis, removal of chocolate cyst, other ovarian cyst, diagnosis of pelvic tuberculosis.
Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy.
Opening of closed fallopian tubes through uterine cavity.
Resection of partaial or complete septum in cavity, (It devides the cavity in two parts or make it smaller so it will not be suitable for conception) Septoplasty will correct this abnormality.
Opening up of narrow opening of uterus and its cavity.
Removal of polyps and fibroids.
Diagnosis and treatment of heavy periods.
Identification and treatment of cause of recurrent abortions. To help couple conceived by controlled ovarian induction and iui (semen wash and preparation in ultraviolet sterilized laminar flow)
Male Infertility—
Semen analysis in modern cryo cell chamber by trilaminr microscope.
All types of gynecolgical abdominal surgery including abdominal hysterctomy, laparotomy, sling surgery.
Vaginal surgeries including vaginal hysterctomy for prolapse uterus, ant and posterior compartment repair, nondescent vaginal hysterctomy, cyst removal from vaginal wall, complete perineal tear repair, repair of vagina damaged during normal delivery.
Treatment of female sexual dysfunction.
Medical treatment and By G shot and P shot. (latest therapy without any side effects)
Prevention and management of premature labour pains by medicines and by application of applying cervical stich in patients with weak uterus.
Cosmetic Vaginal Surgery—
Restoration of normal appearance of female genitalia and vagina after normal delivery or due to age related changes.
Hymen Reconstruction. (In young unmarried girls and females).
New construction of vagina in those girl who do not have it since birth due to some genetic reasons.
Treatment of urinary urgency by O shot.
गर्भवती महिलाओं की जाँच व टीकाकरण
गर्भाशय के मुख पे कैंसर व घाव (Erosion) की जाँच VIA, VILI, PAP SMEAR, LBC HPV DNA, CERVICAL BIOPSY, COLPOSCOPY द्वारा व उपचार CRYOTHERAPY, LEEP, CONE BIOPSY द्वारा
गर्भाशय के कैंसर से बचाव का टीका उपलब्ध है
दूरबीन विधि द्वारा अंडाशय की गाँठ (CYST.) गर्भाशय की गाँठ (FIBROID) हिस्टेरेक्टॉमी नसबंदी के ऑपरेशन की सुविधा
किशोरियों व महिलाओं की मासिक सम्बन्धी समस्याओं की जाँच व उपचार
नि:संतान महिलाओं के गर्भाशय की जाँच, बंद (FELLOPIAN TUBES) नालियों को खोलने का ऑपरेशन, गर्भाशय में SEPTUM (पर्दा) का ऑपरेशन, गर्भाशय की T.B. की जाँच LAPAROSCOPY विधि द्वारा
नि:संतान दम्पत्ती का उपचार OVULATIAN INDUCTION व IUI द्वारा (SEMEN ANALYSIS व SEMEN WASH) भी उपलब्ध
परिवार नियोजन के बारे में सलाह व उपाय (मल्टीलोड, गर्भनिरोधक गोलियां, डिम्पा इंजेक्शन, Minilap, Lap ST)
Laminar Flow Hood
Centrifuge Machine REMI
Seminology Incubator